Software Engineer | Coach | Consultant

I'm Nikolas Martens. I build web applications, help people become better programmers, and deal with legacy systems.

I'm living in Berlin and am currently available for software consultancy, as a developer of web applications, for automated testing workshops and as personal software coach.

Software Engineer

I'm specialized in building lean prototype applications to test domain and market assumptions - nowadays called Minimal Viable Products. I can help you find out how good your idea is as quickly and cheaply as possible.


If you would like to become a professional software developer or if you already are but are looking for ways to improve you skills, then together we'll unlock your full potential in one-on-one coaching sessions, and make sure you can do your work with joy and pride.


I advice individuals and teams to become more productive and content with their work by applying a mix of proven and modern software engineering best practices. I'm specialized on automated testing and working with complex legacy systems.

Latest Articles

In my blog, I philosophize about software, testing and my approaches to mostly technical topics.

Bhutan Last Part

It's been almost three years now since I returned from my visit to the Himalayas. The whole time I wanted to finish this series, write about the rest of my time there. But as so often, something got in the way. » read more

A Time System for the Space Age

I used last Christmas break to watch "The Expanse" which quickly became my favorite SciFi series with its incredibly realistic and inspirational vision of a humanity that has colonized the solar system. And it was one sentence in this show that struck an unexpected chord with me. It was a … » read more

Open Source Projects

Stuff I'm working on.


The mssion of zells is to enable software literacy by making writing software easy and fun, and accessible to everyone.


Library for Event-Sourced applications in Node.JS.


The goal of groupcash is to make it easier, cheaper and safer for anybody to run their own complementary currency.


domin (domain model interface) is an administration interface for abstract Domain Models using the Command Object pattern.


dox publishes executable specification in a human-friendly and easily browsable way.


The Web Application Tool Kit - a collection of libraries that can help you building lean, scalable web applications quickly.


mockster is a full-fledged, zero-configuration mocking framework for PHP.

Contact Me

Proof you are human: when Mufasa died in Lion King, what did you do?